Sunday, March 7, 2010

Practical & useful tips to a successful presentation

Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and information to a group. But unlike a report, a presentation carries the speaker's personality better and allows immediate interaction between all the participants. A good presentation has:
  • Content - It contains information that people need. But unlike reports, which are read at the reader's own pace, presentations must account for how much information the audience can absorb in one sitting.
  • Structure - It has a logical beginning, middle, and end. It must be sequenced and paced so that the audience can understand it. Where as reports have appendices and footnotes to guide the reader, the speaker must be careful not to loose the audience when wandering from the main point of the presentation.
  • Packaging - It must be well prepared. A report can be reread and portions skipped over, but with a presentation, the audience is at the mercy of a presenter.
  • Human Element - A good presentation will be remembered much more than a good report because it has a person attached to it. But you still need to analyze if the audience's needs would not be better met if a report was sent instead.
the information above is taken from the following website, pretty useful with a lot of tips:

1 comment:

  1. Preparation:-
    1) stand & practice in front of the mirror for at least 2 or 3 rounds
    2) list down all the possible questions that the audience might ask, write all the answers and put it beside your laptop when you present

    15mins before the Presentation:-
    3) take a deep breath before you start your presentation, count to 10
    4) tell yourself that you are presenting a story where you are the one that knows more than the audience because you prepared for the presentation
    5) tell yourself you can do very well

    During the presentation:-
    6) present with confidence, with eye contact
    7) prepare a notepad to put into note of all the questions from the audience
    8) if you're asked a question that you do not know the answer to, DO NOT pretend and say that you know. tell the audience that you will write it down, research on it and come back to them as soon as possible and make sure you do.

    After the presentation:-
    9)immediately note all the things you've learn, what you did well, what to improve & what to change

    *practice makes perfect!
